The road to Perdition is often paved with good intentions, but this often leads straight to unintended consequences so be it with the latest land grab attempt by the federal government. From what I understand the government already owns three out of ten acres of land in the United States why di they need more? This time the land grab goes by the nice name of the “Antiquities Act,” but its purpose is designed to ban mining and prospecting designating them as National Monuments. The proposed Land Grab will affect the entire gold mining and prospecting community, so we urge everyone to contact their Congressmen to protest against this land grab. You might ask yourself, “Who really owns this land, we all do?
Yes, the BLM recently came to a local Phoenix chapter of GPAA. The audience was dead silent while he gave his presentation. No one could understand why they want to survey dirt trails, designate them as roads then put up gates to restrict access. Public Lands for the People is already working on this problem. If people don't get involved soon mining will be something just talked about in our history books.